German Candia
Ben Milbury
James Alexander
Andrew Hegman
Jun Chung
Will Richgels
Andrew Rourke
Justin Webster
T.J. Scott
Andrew Rourke
Henry Atkinson
Brian Turner
Philip Sater
Cody Richardson
Alex Gephart
Bass Clarinet
Carson Krueger
Nick Shirley
Contra Bass Clarinet
Bobby Sanchez
Alto Saxophone
Mike Padilla
Cash Martin
Granville Gates
Tenor Saxophone
Sean Harber
Baritone Saxophone
Nichoas Nabors
Avert Scott
Logan Todd
Jacob Posey
Mickey Kauffman
Kindrick Morgan
Jacob Rodgers
Ben Nielsen
Siddarth Nair
Daniel Gully
Eric McCaskey
Patrick McCollum
Thomas O'Bryan
Tommy Scheibelhut
Garrett Mitchell
Louis Sanchez
Matt Murphy
Will Long
Franklin Pera
Reed Laycook
Joey Forcherio
Cameron Benson
Uriah Bynum
Courtney Lewis
Kip Handwerker
Charles Buchignani
Freedman Steorts
Ben Gieschen
Troutt Taylor
David Tipton
Keenan Kellough
Colin Abbott
Christian Burress
Jack Charbonnet
Matt Peeney
Jim Alrutz
String Bass
Will McGee
Sidney Murrell
Reno Warmath
Robb Aquadro
Joey Graham
Miguel Pilcher
J.R. Swauncy
Ben Geischen
Burress, Alrutz, Charbonnet, Peeney, McGee, Tipton, Abbott, Kellough
At the Magevney House
At the Magevney House
At the Tennessee Capitol Building
in Nashville
In Nashville
At the Tennessee Capitol Building
The Christian Brothers Band fall semester saw the Pep Band perform at one of its highest levels, and the historic band started out its season performing the Star Spangled Banner at a Memphis Redbirds baseball game. The Historic Band paraded again in the annual Veterans Day Parade and performed at the Massing of the Colors. The fall term concluded with the Fall Concert.
In the spring semester the band toured Nashville, Tennessee for the All State Concert Festival and a special performance at the Tennessee Capital Building. On the tour the band met Governor Bill Haslam and received a proclamation saluting the band's 140 year existence. The boys toured the Capitol and even watched in on some legislation before retiring to the Opryland Hotel. After performing at the Founders Day mass, the band concluded the year with the annual Spring Concert, this year themed the "Leisures of Man," including songs like "Rag," "Intercollegiate March," and "Pachinco."
Click above to listen to the music and download programs
Will McGee
Vice President
Mike Padilla
Jim Alrutz
Carson Krueger
Ralph Hale Award
Will McGee
John Sandridge Award
Andrew Hegman
Prof. Schneider Arion Gold Medal
Mike Padilla
Directors Award
Avery Scott
Jim Alrutz
Mike Krepper Jazz Award
Will Long
Capt. Harrison Marching Award
Reed Laycook
Prof. Saxby Orchestral Award
Jacob Posey
Br. Maurelian Spirit Award
Ben Nielsen
Will Richgels
Tommy Scheibelhut
Patrick McCollum
Amro Music Award
Thomas O'Bryan
David Tipton
All State Band
Matt Murphy
Will Long
Matt Lee
Jacob Posey
Will McGee
All West Band
Will Richgels
Colin Abbott
Avery Scott
Tyler Geischen
Justin Webster
Robb Aquadro
Mike Padilla
Andrew Hegman